We permanently crawl the Web with high speed for our database of international websites.
Our search engine sengine.info has a selection of international websites and website-datenbank.de has a selection of German websites.
You can purchase selections from this database or do them for free on the search engines. The following selection criteria are available and can be combined:
- Domain name
- IP Address
- Language
- Title of the home page
- Meta keywords of the home page
- Number of URLs
- Number of linking domains
- Number of linked domains
- Links from or to certain websites
- Data from the Imprint Crawler (for German websites)
- 2 Mio zip codes
- 1.8 Mio addresses
- 1.5 Mio phone numbers
- 1.7 Mio names (company or person)
- 0.9 Mio Fax numbers
- 0.8 Mio VAT IDs
- 0.4 Mio trade register numbers
The price depends on the filter criteria and the selected criteria. Ask us for a quote.
Reverse Lookup (find German websites for a company/name/etc.)
You can search German websites in our database via an API or by sending us a file. We only bill lookups where matches are actually found. Test our service with the following form. The more data you supply, the more likely matches will be found.
Results are sorted by descending relevance. If you search the primary website of a company, chances are best if you use the first match.